Investment and Advice

Leverage your existing money to generate more wealth

The aim of investing is to make your money grow or to receive a regular income from it. The biggest misconception about investing is that it is only for the rich. Wisely selected investments can increase your wealth and even possibly provide you with an income. The right financial planner can work with you to formulate a strategic financial plan that meets your individual needs, your short, medium and long term goals, your current financial circumstances and the level of investment risk you are prepared to accept. There are many types of investments available. Are you are looking at starting a property or investment portfolio? Maybe you’re a seasoned investor! Speak to the financial planners at Intellichoice on 1300 55 10 45 on the various investment choices available and how we can help you grow your wealth in a strategic way. You can be assured that there is no conflict of interests and any recommendations our financial advisors make for growing your wealth (either through property or other investments). We are aligned with your financial goals!
The more you know about investments, the better you’ll be able to manage your money. Investment advice is any suggestion or directions that endeavors to educate, inform or guide an investor regarding a specific investment product or series of products. Investment advice can be professional; that is, the investor pays a fee in exchange for the qualified professional’s guidance and expertise, as seen with financial planners; or, investment advice can be a novice in nature, as with certain internet blogs, chat rooms or even conversations. Investing and getting advice Make your money go a long way You needn’t bother with a great deal of money to begin investing – some people start with a small amount of savings they’ve built up, while others invest regular amounts. The key is to start and afterwards continue adding to your investments as you can. A qualified financial adviser can help you make your money go further.